
Our Safeguarding Policy applies to both online and in person, at our events and within our Social Media groups. Please read these in full before joining Solo Adventures.

These policies are to ensure the Solo Adventures community is a safe and enjoyable place to communicate and engage with other Adventurers in a positive way, and to guarantee that our in person events are designated safe spaces.

Online Safeguarding Policy (Facebook Page, Facebook Group, WhatsApp Group)

Solo Adventures is a community of Solo travellers that love to explore new places with likeminded people. Through our online channels, we create and promote our official events, as well as engage with the community dialogue that happens within our network. Adventurers (members) are free to take part in any and all discussion, so long as they follow our Members Expectations and our Safeguarding Policies (found on this page).

Core Values

  • Privacy – All Adventurers have a right to privacy